Monday, June 29, 2020

What If and Facebook

Once I started using Facebook again I was able to make some old contacts with friends.
Quail in my bird feeder
Some of these contact were family. This allows one to see what others are doing. I even joined a local group that was supposed to be about the Village of Oak Creek and the Sedona area. lots of crystal huggers and worn out hippies. Arizona is also prone to have retired red necks and conspiracy followers. I am not a Trumpter and find Pence non-scientific bias hard to handle. So I pasted a Pence post on the local group and I was met with a hoard of haters.

So I started to delete the hate messages and the senders.

I also joined a Speedway Motorcycle Group that is ran with an old buddy. I put u[ pictures from my old motorcycle blogging and this was kinda fun until some asshole started calling me names. I had no idea who is shit head was and I tried to ignore him but he kept at it. I blocked him but he kept insulting me. I sent a message to the group and he was knocked off and then I send a message to Facebook about the problems.
Striped whip tail
I joined several Arizona based groups about cycling and nature. The mountain biking over fifty kept blocking my posts of my son Dylan riding.
They said it was too commercial. Dropped that group. The local VOC group also went into the trash can because too many post were about the denying of the coronavirus and that wearing mask was devil worship.
My German Shepherd

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