All the fun a boat owner has |
I rode my single speed bike over to see what I could see for free. Nothing is free. The fence is covered with these super glams of what a future boat owner is promised.
The banners look so great I wanted to run down to the docks and buy another boat but I had forgotten my wallet.
There are displays under the tents and I had heard that kayaks and stand up paddle boards are being shown. My 2 stand ups and surf skis are stored in a dingy rack close to my boat. Maybe I should charge for the view and I do give free lessons. Our marina as three kayaks for customers to use. None of the guest paddlers here look like the women shown in the banners at the boat show. In fact most weight too much to get out of the kayak and get back on the dock.
New boats will stay pretty and shiny until the first monthly payment is made.
Flags don't come with the boats and you must always have a lot of them for opening day.
Available just see broker. Then after you will be known a broke.
Walking down the gangway to the poor house
Los Angeles police and fire boats.
Handy to have them around.
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