Back in January we went to June Mountain for the mutant's birthday and I rented skis for a couple of days. So with the help of E-bay and Craig's list a pair of boots and skis became part of my projects. The mounting were moved to accept the larger boot and I managed that without drilling any holes through the ski bottoms.

The Head boots came for a USC grad student that bought the boots in Germany but they were way too large and had never been fitted so with a few tries with the oven and gloves my custom fit was obtained. Then it was off to Mountain High after a major dumping to check my new to me hardware. At the ticket window I asked for a senior discount and the young lady told me that they don't have any senior discount tickets but at seventy you ski free.

I said I wasn't there yet and her manager came to the window and gave me a free pass. At Mountain High you can ski free on your birthday but my birthday this year is on Sunday and there is no way I would go there on a Sunday. So the next week I tried the senior discount scam and the young lady explained I wasn't old enough but I could ski free on my birthday. I told her my birthday was the next Sunday (it being Tuesday) so they made it my birthday earlier. Next step Mammoth Mountain.

Well nothing is free in Mammoth but I do get a nice discount on lift tickets and was able to stay at the Mammoth Mountain Inn using their ski stimulus plan. For those who have not purchased lift tickets recently; a single day ticket is $84.00 and rooms are $200 to $400 a night for a couple plus local taxes not to mentioned dining. For all this money you get to sit on a chair riding up the mountain at 10 degrees with the wind blowing snow in your face.

Then if the wind and snowing stops the zillion folks that don't know how to form a que in line show up. This is off set by a run down the backside of the upper gondola that was untracked after two feet of new snow and being the first to arrive at Chair 14.
My son will not forget that and what 6 degrees is. The only low point of the trip was that The Chart House doesn't really know how to heat prime rib but they do mix a good drink.
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