The sail cover was removed and completely resewn and the preventers were replaced.
The fiddle block for the main was replaced and a new sheet was installed.
My kayak is usually stored on the deck or on the larboard side next to the lifelines.
We have been searching for a sabot to use as a dingy and for sailing in the marina. While shopping at the surplus store I found a complete sabot for $795.00. The prices seem to vary greatly on the items used. On Craig's list I found two complete boats with sails, mast, rudder and for $600.00. Picking them up in one trip was an adventure with one inside the back of my Nissan and the other on top. This was accomplished on the Friday before Labor day weekend and the traffic in Marina del Rey was as expected, impossible. The trip down PCH to San Pedro took a little less than a slow boat to China would have taken.
Both sabots had already had oarlocks installed so it makes a great rowboat if you know how to row. After a little parts swapping from the two sabots I was able to make one ready for sail and sailing it is a total blast if your are limber enough to move your butt around
My little 3.5 horsepower outboard can also be hung on the transom for those who care not to row.
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