The move from San Pedro where my sailboat is to Arizona where my daughter lives started before sunrise as I hoped to miss some of the Los Angeles traffic.
The plan didn't work as I had a hell of time putting my MTB on the overhead rack because all the adjustments were frozen from not using them.
I left the harbor and headed north on the 110 Freeway then Joined the start of the 91 going east.That is when I became confused as I kept thinking I was on the 22. I used to have customers on the 91 and new the route rather well but that was not helping me any.
Traffic was at a standstill and the two dogs were not happy either. Stop and go, stop and go. It wasn't till I was past Riverside that I was able to speed up. Then we needed gas and I hit a Circle K and after buying ice I was greeted by a crappy smell in the car as the little dog got sick.
Courthouse Butte
The ride was hot and my A/C doesn't work. At the rest stops in Arizona the dogs didn't like the hot pavement and quickly return to the Nissan. When we hit the capital in was rush hour and more stop and go. After we headed north on 17 the traffic stopped.
I stopped at a Big Mac to get directions and smashed the glass on my crap phone.
Lee Mountain
My daughter texted me directions and I took the wrong turn and needed more help. She came and got me and she led me to her place. By then it was dark and they don't have any street lights. So she was my guiding light in her white SUV.
Sunset with Nikon D90 on tripod
Not all the landscapes here are captioned as various names exist' |